Nationality Law - PEER & CO. Skip to content

Nationality Law

This area of law deals with all aspects of citizenship and other categories of British nationality. The law is complex because of United Kingdom’s historical status as an imperial power. The situation is further compounded by the fact that different colonies attained independence at different times and the law will differ from country to country. Here at Peer & Co. we try to simplify this area of law as much as possible for you. We offer a two pronged approach to clients with nationality queries, we first offer to research your nationality claim and if eligible we will then make the relevant application on your behalf. We believe that doing the relevant research is important, as you might end up wasting a lot of money on an unsuccessful nationality application if you are not eligible for it.

We also offer help and advice to those that believe that they are entitled to a Right of Abode in UK. As with nationality law applications, we will only make the applications after a thorough research of the claim.